Prevent Remediate Instill Discipline Educate (PRIDE)
Re-Entry from Detention (RED)
Social Services​
RED is a reentry program that operates in collaboration with local DJJ officials, out-of-home placement facilities and juvenile probation staff. The program targets youth determined to be at risk based on factors such as prior offending/adjustment history, family circumstances that may make transition difficult. Youth are selected for reentry services by DJJ officials and juvenile probation agents who attempt to make participation a court-ordered condition of their supervision or disposition.
Typically, the first phase (Placement) involves services and reentry planning while the juvenile is still in out-of-home placement. During this phase, one of thecase managers is introduced to the youth and attempts to build a relationship through personal visits and telephone calls and is involved with placement treatment plans and staff.
In the second phase (Re-entry Preparation), TheraCare Community Center case managers are responsible for facilitating the transition to the home and community through participation in RED. In our facility we offer life skills and prevention/diversion courses designed to integrate meaningful community service with instruction and reflection that enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and encourage lifelong civic engagement. Furthermore, job skills training, linkage to community resources, and individual, family and group therapy are incorporated as part of an individualized transitional plan.
In the final phase (Community-Based Services), our case managers aid clients in accessing services in the community (e.g., establish appointments, provisions for transportation), continuing case management services, and follow up services.
Throughout the years, TheraCare Community Center has provided outreach to targeted displaced residents. Project HOPE (Helping Other People Everywhere) provides mobile outreach to individuals and families throughout Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade, Florida. HOPE outreach staff seek out the homeless and provide basic necessities including meals, clothing, blankets, coats, and personal hygiene items.
The goals of the program are to connect individuals and families to the programs and services that will assist them in becoming self-sufficient and to promote continuous and positive self improvement through education and empowerment.
Through consistent contact, we foster love and establish a close relationship with those served. We assess the needs and offer referrals to shelters and support services during outreach.
PRIDE is a community based program which operates in tandem with the school district to prevent violence, suicide, early parenthood, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other controlled substance use by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of violence, substance use and other risky behaviors. PRIDE is based on both the social influence and competence enhancement models of prevention. Consistent with this theoretical framework, PRIDE addresses multiple risk and protective factors and teaches personal and social skills that build resilience and help youth navigate developmental tasks, including the skills necessary to understand and resist negative influences.
Toys for Tots
This is the process of obtaining and delivering toys to local Toys for Tots Coordinators and providing the support and assistance those Coordinators need to conduct effective toy collection and distribution campaigns in their communities. Toys are a combination of those purchased by the Foundation and those donated by corporations.
This involves arranging the creation, publication, manufacture and delivery of an array of promotion and support materials to local Coordinators. It includes managing all financial matters for local Coordinators as well as updating and publishing a manual for the conduct of local programs. Concisely stated, this activity encompasses providing a wide range of support to approximately 700 local Toys for Tots Coordinators and their support groups. Today, there are nearly 25,000 Marines, Marine Corps League members, veteran Marines and volunteers involved in annual campaigns.
To register for the 2023 Toys for Tots Drive, provide your name, email address, contact phone number, child(ren)'s name(s), age(s), and date of birth.